if you want to go fast, go alone;
if you want to go far, go together

Join our community and get access to our private social media platform where you can connect, share and grow with like minded people.

Just like your favorite apps, our personal social media platform has refined the classic features to allow you to be comfortable yet grow and develop all the necessary skills within a community that rewards and recognise its leaders, contributors and students.

A private platform to block out the noise of traditional social media.

Just like your favorite apps, our personal social media platform has refined the classic features to allow you to be comfortable yet grow and develop all the necessary skills within a community that rewards and recognise its leaders, contributors and students.

Belong to a community

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Connect with like
minded people
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Learn together
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Make lifelong
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Become the product
of your environment
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Be held
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Stay connected to the
markets in real time

connect and share

Our custom built platform allows members to communicate, share and
learn all while interacting and engaging in exciting and innovative ways.

Connect with others and share what you’re most passionate about with:



Live streams





Private Folders

streamline your
learning through:

  • Live streams

    Weekly session with other members, trainers and coaches of the community.

  • market scans

    Insight and market analysis from our coaches and lead trainers to help break down market movements, conditions and possible trade ideas.

  • motivation and inspiration

    A necessity to grow and excel in all areas of life. Reignite the fire to keep you on track and moving forward.

  • recognised

    Be recognised and celebrated for your efforts and achievements.

  • student interaction

    Share, learn and grow together as a community through our members-only MTC Education app.

  • earn badges and awards

    Be rewarded with badges as you rank up, learn, complete tasks and achieve milestones.

A true one stop community just
for you and the team

Hundreds and thousands
sharing like minded thoughts